Experts in microbial metabolism
Meet our team

Juan Nogales Enrique
Principal investigator
Juan Nogales Enrique

Blas Blázquez Castiñeira
Postdoctoral scientist
Blas Blázquez Castiñeira

David San León Granado
Predoctoral scientist
David San León Granado

Marcela Villegas Plazas
Postdoctoral scientist
Marcela Villegas Plaza
As an industrial microbiologist holding a Ph.D. in environmental engineering, I have joined SBG’s lab as a postdoctoral researcher. My current focus is on harness cutting-edge synthetic biology tools to explore the implementation of novel/modified metabolic pathways within in vivo bacterial systems, aiming to produce high-value compounds. In my previous research, I have specialized in understanding microbiome adaptation to strong environmental/host selective pressures through comprehensive omics-based approaches. As a scientist, I am particularly passionate about exploring the integration of systems and synthetic biology methodologies to advance rational strain engineering and design bioengineered systems as living materials.

Ana del Ramo Galián
Predoctoral scientist
Ana del Ramo

Clive Alexander Dove
Predoctoral scientist
Clive A Dove

Álvaro Gómez Luengo
Predoctoral scientist
Álvaro Gómez Luengo

Lourdes Gallego Felix
Lourdes Felix Gallego
I have been a laboratory technician since 2008, with a primary focus on molecular biology in different laboratories in Madrid. In 2022, I joined SBG, where among other responsibilities, I currently hold the position of curator and maintainer of the Golden Standard collection. During my leisure time, I enjoy going to the gym, watching Real Madrid matches, and participating in obstacle course racing.

Alvaro Gargantilla Becerra
Predoctoral scientist
Alvaro Gargantilla Becerra:

Francisco J. Canalejo
Predoctoral scientist
Francisco Javier Canalejo Molero

Erika González Álvarez
Postdoctoral scientist
Erika González Álvarez

Darwin Carranza Saavedra
Postdoctoral scientist
Darwin Carranza Saavedra

Hubert Szczerba
Postdoctoral scientist
Hubert Szczerba
I earned my Ph.D. in Food Biotechnology from the ULS in Lublin (Poland) and working on developing innovative and sustainable biotechnologies enabling the production of high-value platform chemicals from waste and side products to promote a circular carbon economy. I did a postdoctoral fellowship at the Joint BioEnergy Institute in Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley, USA) studying the metabolism of P. putida and M. alcaliphilum. Currently, I am deeply interested in the use of cutting-edge metabolic engineering and synthetic biology tools in the research on microorganisms of industrial relevance. In the Systems Biotechnology Lab, I am working on a project entitled: “System-level engineering of a succinic acid-producing platform based on the non-model bacterium Enterobacter aerogenes LU2 (ENTERO4SA)”.

Fabian Moreno Avitia
Postdoctoral scientist
Fabian Moreno Avitia
I am a postdoctoral researcher in Juan Nogales’s laboratory, specialized in metabolic engineering and systems biology involving various microorganisms. My primary focus is on the design and optimization of synthetic microbial communities. I am deeply interested in leveraging computational biology tools and biochemical engineering techniques to identify potential targets for enhancing biochemical properties and optimizing bioprocesses. Through my work, I aim to contribute to the advancement of sustainable and efficient biotechnological applications.

Diana Pérez Martínez
Master student
Diana Pérez Martínez
I obtained a BSc in Biotechnology from the University of Leon in 2021. Afterwards, I started a MSc in Industrial, Environmental and Food Biotechnology at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. During my academic career I have developed a great interest in industrial biotechnology, as well as in obtaining products of economic and environmental interest through it. I am currently working on my master’s thesis in the Systems Biotechnology Group at CNB. In this project we are trying to optimise the production of bioplastics in the context of synthetic microbial consortia using cutting edge synthetic biology approaches.

Ángela Jiménez Velasco
Master student
Ángeles Jiménez Velasco
I hold a BSc in Biochemistry from the Universidad de Sevilla. During my undergraduate studies, I developed a deep fascination for the realm of biotechnology, which led me to steer my scientific career in that direction. Consequently, I pursued a Master’s degree in Environmental, Industrial, and Food Biotechnology. Currently, I am engrossed in the research for my master’s thesis as a part of the Systems Biotechnology Group. In this role, I am exploring metabolic engineering techniques to optimize bioprocesses. My ultimate objective is to contribute significantly to the advancement of sustainable and efficient biotechnological applications.

Juan Nogales Enrique
Principal investigator
Juan Nogales Enrique

Blas Blázquez Castiñeira
Postdoctoral scientist
Blas Blázquez Castiñeira

David San León Granado
Predoctoral scientist
David San León Granado

Marcela Villegas Plazas
Postdoctoral scientist
Marcela Villegas Plaza
As an industrial microbiologist holding a Ph.D. in environmental engineering, I have joined SBG’s lab as a postdoctoral researcher. My current focus is on harness cutting-edge synthetic biology tools to explore the implementation of novel/modified metabolic pathways within in vivo bacterial systems, aiming to produce high-value compounds. In my previous research, I have specialized in understanding microbiome adaptation to strong environmental/host selective pressures through comprehensive omics-based approaches. As a scientist, I am particularly passionate about exploring the integration of systems and synthetic biology methodologies to advance rational strain engineering and design bioengineered systems as living materials.

Ana del Ramo Galián
Predoctoral scientist
Ana del Ramo

Clive A. Dove
Predoctoral scientist
Clive A Dove

Álvaro Gómez Luengo
Predoctoral scientist
Álvaro Gómez Luengo

Lourdes Gallego Felix
Lourdes Felix Gallego
I have been a laboratory technician since 2008, with a primary focus on molecular biology in different laboratories in Madrid. In 2022, I joined SBG, where among other responsibilities, I currently hold the position of curator and maintainer of the Golden Standard collection. During my leisure time, I enjoy going to the gym, watching Real Madrid matches, and participating in obstacle course racing.

Alvaro Gargantilla Becerra
Predoctoral scientist
Alvaro Gargantilla Becerra:

Francisco Javier Canalejo
Predoctoral scientist
Francisco Javier Canalejo Molero

Erika González Álvarez
Postdoctoral scientist
Erika González Álvarez

Darwin Carranza Saavedra
Postdoctoral scientist
Darwin Carranza Saavedra

Hubert Szczerba
Postdoctoral scientist
Hubert Szczerba
I earned my Ph.D. in Food Biotechnology from the ULS in Lublin (Poland) and working on developing innovative and sustainable biotechnologies enabling the production of high-value platform chemicals from waste and side products to promote a circular carbon economy. I did a postdoctoral fellowship at the Joint BioEnergy Institute in Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley, USA) studying the metabolism of P. putida and M. alcaliphilum. Currently, I am deeply interested in the use of cutting-edge metabolic engineering and synthetic biology tools in the research on microorganisms of industrial relevance. In the Systems Biotechnology Lab, I am working on a project entitled: “System-level engineering of a succinic acid-producing platform based on the non-model bacterium Enterobacter aerogenes LU2 (ENTERO4SA)”.

Fabian Moreno Avitia
Postdoctoral scientist
Fabian Moreno Avitia
I am a postdoctoral researcher in Juan Nogales’s laboratory, specialized in metabolic engineering and systems biology involving various microorganisms. My primary focus is on the design and optimization of synthetic microbial communities. I am deeply interested in leveraging computational biology tools and biochemical engineering techniques to identify potential targets for enhancing biochemical properties and optimizing bioprocesses. Through my work, I aim to contribute to the advancement of sustainable and efficient biotechnological applications.

Diana Pérez Martínez
Master student
Diana Pérez Martínez
I obtained a BSc in Biotechnology from the University of Leon in 2021. Afterwards, I started a MSc in Industrial, Environmental and Food Biotechnology at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. During my academic career I have developed a great interest in industrial biotechnology, as well as in obtaining products of economic and environmental interest through it. I am currently working on my master’s thesis in the Systems Biotechnology Group at CNB. In this project we are trying to optimise the production of bioplastics in the context of synthetic microbial consortia using cutting edge synthetic biology approaches.

Ángela Jiménez Velasco
Master student
Ángeles Jiménez Velasco
I hold a BSc in Biochemistry from the Universidad de Sevilla. During my undergraduate studies, I developed a deep fascination for the realm of biotechnology, which led me to steer my scientific career in that direction. Consequently, I pursued a Master’s degree in Environmental, Industrial, and Food Biotechnology. Currently, I am engrossed in the research for my master’s thesis as a part of the Systems Biotechnology Group. In this role, I am exploring metabolic engineering techniques to optimize bioprocesses. My ultimate objective is to contribute significantly to the advancement of sustainable and efficient biotechnological applications.
Past team
Past Post-Docs, Students and Visitors that have been a part of the SBG
- Javier Asensio López (PhD student visitor, University of Navarra, Spain).
- Elena di Biasi (MSc student at SBG)
- Elisa Armenteros (MSc Student at SBG)
- Agata Matera (PhD student visitor, University Wroclaw, Poland).
- Igor Martínez Sánchez (Post-Doc at SBG)
- Fadipe Temitope (Post-Doc, Women for Africa Fellows, University Lagos, Nigeria)
- Jesús Torres Bacete (Post-Doc at SBG)
- Lucía Agudo Algibe (PhD student at SBG)
- Rodrigo Hedo Berrocal (MSc student at SBG)
- Francisco Manuel Muñoz López (MSC student at SBG)
- Ana del Ramo Galián (MSc student at SBG)
- Iván Martín Martín (MSc student at SBG)
- Samuel Jimena (Undergraduate student at SBG)
- Isabel Orely de Moya (Undergraduate student at SBG)
- María Tsampika Manoli (PhD student at SBG)
- Darwin Carranza Saavedra (PhD student visitor, University Antioquía, Colombia)
- Jarosław Popłónski (Post-Doc visitor, University Wroclaw, Poland)
- Sandra Sordon (Post-Doc visitor, University Wroclaw, Poland)
- Nahikari López López (PhD student visitor, University of Navarra, Spain).
- Lucía Nieto Reyes (MSc student at SBG)
- América Jazmín Cota Álvarez (MSc student visitor, University Sinaloa, Mexico)
- Selma Bennacer (Undergraduate Student visitor, University of Sorbona, France)
- Álvaro Gargantilla Becerra (Undergraduate student at SBG)
- Beatriz García Jiménez (Post-Doc at SBG)
- Silvana Díaz Herrera (Post-Doc visitor, University Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Fabian Moreno Avitia (PhD student visitor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico)
- Alejandro Ronco Campaña (MSc Student at SBG)
- Antonio Mesa Galán (MSc Student at SBG)
- Francisco Canalejo Molero (MSc Student at SBG)
- Jorge Carrasco Muriel (Undergraduate student at SBG)
- María Santos Merino (PhD student visitor, University of Cantabria, Spain)
- Cansu Uluseker (PhD student visitor, University of Trento, Italy)
- Rubén Sánchez Clemente (PhD student visitor, University Extremadura, Spain)
- Imnaculada Romero García (PhD student visitor, University Pablo de Olavide, Spain)
- Juan Gerardo Hernández Delgado (MSc Student at SBG)
- Guillermo Mateos Boudiño (Undergraduate Student at SBG)
- Doriana Desiderio (PhD student visitor, Università degli Studi del Molise, Italy)